Program of the Competition

Warning: No work shall be repeated at any stage of the competition. The works chosen for the pre-selection video may be performed again during the competition live rounds. All the pieces, with the exception of the obligatory contemporary piece, must be played from memory.

Pre-selection video (15 minutes maximum, Youtube link to provide in the registration form) :

– One movement from a classical sonata (Beethoven, Clementi, Haydn, Mozart),
– One Etude of the contestant’s choice.

First round – Second round :

The contestant must present the following program, dividing the pieces between the first round (20’ maximum) and the second round (35’ maximum), in the order of his/her choice and within the allotted time limit. Each round is qualifying :
– One prelude and fugue from “The Well-Tempered Clavier” by J.-S. Bach,
– One Etude from opus 10 or 25 by Chopin,
– One Etude by another composer,
– One work or one suite of works of the same opus from the romantic repertory of a duration of 7 to 30 minutes composed between 1820 and 1899,
– A complete Sonata by Beethoven, Clementi, Haydn, Mozart or Schubert (repeats are optional).

Semi-final: Recital (40′ minimum, 50′ maximum)

A program of the contestant’s choice including the piece “Toccata Op. 120” by Thierry Huillet (commissioned by the Competition – duration : about 5’30 – score sent on reception of the registration form and fee), and one work of a French composer written between the 17th and 21st century.

Final round: One Concerto to choose among the followings :

Mozart : Concerto No. 9 in E-flat major K 271 “Jeunehomme”
Beethoven : Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major Op. 19
Mendelssohn : Concerto No. 1 in G minor Op. 25
Chopin : Concerto No. 1 en E minor Op. 11
Liszt : Concerto No. 2 in A major
Prokofiev : Concerto No. 1 in D-flat major Op. 10