
In order to validate your contest application :
1. Please complete carefully the following form and download the attachments.
2. You will then receive a confirmation email asking you to pay by bank transfer the application fee of 80€.

* The fields with an asterisk are mandatory.




Please specify for every piece: Name of the piece, tonality, Opus/K./BWV/D... Duration must be given in the following format : minutes:seconds (for exemple 04:35)

IMPORTANT REMINDER : for the first and the second rounds, you must only list the 5 works required, even if the maximum duration of each round is not reached!

PRE-SELECTION VIDEO (15 minutes maximum)
a movement from a classical sonata (Beethoven, Clementi, Haydn, Mozart), and an Etude of the contestant's choice

Composer Piece Duration
Youtube link of the pre-selection video*

Note: Finalists of a competition member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions being exempt from the video pre-selection, they must indicate "X" in the "composer, piece, duration" boxes above, and enter "finalist" with the name and year of the competition in the "YouTube link" box.

FIRST ROUND (20 minutes maximum)

Composer Piece Duration

SECOND ROUND (35 minutes maximum)

Composer Piece Duration

SEMI-FINALE (40' minimum to 50' maximum)

Composer Oeuvre Duration

FINALE (1 concerto to choose in the following list)


I would like a free lodging in a host family?*
Do you have any allergies?*

Contact details of next of kin in case of need*
How did you hear about the Competition?


Artistic picture HD copyright free (jpg, png)*
Curriculum Vitae (docx, doc, odt, rtf)*
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (article 34 of the "Informatique et Libertés" law). To exercise this right, please write to

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